Modular Railroading
In the past we have used the module concept where every member builds their own module, or section of the railroad. The typical module is 2 x 4 feet and is done in HO scale (1:87). This is currently the most popular scale among model railroaders. The members can, for the most part, do what they wish on their module: track centers, electrical wiring, connectors and some paint colors must meet Club standards. This is only so we can join up with each. other.
You will notice that some modules have industries that can serve other points on our railroad. There may be city scenes or country areas, small towns and villages, whatever the modeler wishes to put down. Incoming and outgoing trains originate and terminate “off scene.” This gives the illusion that the railroad extends beyond the confines of our layout and connects with other railroads.
Current Model Railroads
Currently we are using EZ Track and Snap Track to create our layouts at shows. It's quicker to set up and break down. This new way of model railroading is much less laborious than having to transfer the old heavy and bulky wooden model modules all over.
Something For Everyone
Realistic scenery on the modules helps establish a believable setting for the trains, as well as an illusion of depth. The bridges and buildings are mostly handcrafted by our members, built either to prototype plans, from kits or else creatively freelanced, as long as they remain within realistic and believable design parameters.
Only part of the fun of our hobby is running the trains-- equal enjoyment is also gained in creating and building. Some modules are never complete as the member can redo or improve their work over and over or even start another module. The hobby of model railroading encompasses many skills and interests such as scale model making, scenery, railroad operations, electrical and electronic systems and carpentry. No one member excels in all of these, but as a Club we help and teach each other. Also as a Club we go on trips to different railroad events such as train shows, museums, and or just simply rail fanning.
Another part of the fun is operating what we have built is the other half. Many hours can be spent in prototyping the operation. This can be done on this and any model railroad.
Industries request carloads of freight, and request empty freight cars in which to ship their products to another industry or “off line” to a place not modeled in the layout. Trains can drop off and pick up as they travel from town to town. Usually one train heads west while another goes east. Passenger trains add to this as they have priority and freights must move onto sidings out of the way.